Introducing Daowabunga: An Extendable DAO Framework for Web3, Built on the Internet Computer.

Introducing Daowabunga: An extendable DAO framework for orchestrating governance and ownership on any chain ⛓

Daowabunga 🍕
4 min readJul 29, 2022


Today, we’re stoked to introduce Daowabunga, the new web3 DAO framework in town.

Daowabunga is envisioned to be a full-scale web3 DAO product built on the IC, responsible for helping communities, projects, dApps, and protocols manage the execution and control of all smart contracts, assets, infrastructure, data, and decisions in a decentralized way.

Unlike most other existing projects being built in the space, Daowabunga will leverage the IC’s outbound HTTP calls, threshold signatures, and native integration capabilities to become a cross-chain, modular orchestration solution. Communities will be able to choose the modules and the chains they want to integrate with to easily cultivate their own DAO experience.

Not Your Typical Web3 DAO

Daowabunga is here to crush skulls, take names, and help any and all ecosystems properly govern & decentralize their communities /projects / dApps without the use of clunky centralized infrastructure. Daowabunga is meant to act as a build your own DAO, with modules to connect all your users across all chains.

Let’s take for example Popular dApp X, which has deployed multiple sets of smart contracts across various chains, and Popular dApp Y which has stuck to a single chain.

With Daowabunga, both Popular dApp X and Popular dApp Y can orchestrate their governance through picking and choosing their specific configuration of toppings that get deployed to the Internet Computer as canisters.

It doesn’t matter if you’re building on Ethereum, Polygon, Starkware, any of the L2's/Rollups, Solana, BNB… or all of them! Daowabunga can leverage the Internet Computer’s threshold ECDSA signatures and messenger services like Terabethia or LayerZero to orchestrate participation.

The best part? Participation in Daowabunga will be BYOW (Bring Your Own Wallet). In true orchestrator style, this means you’ll be able to auth to a Daowabunga DAO through any wallet provider you’d like (MetaMask, Rainbow, Phantom, Plug, etc).

Last but not least, with Daowabunga there is no need to worry about your DAO fumbling its precious keys, those are shared and secured amongst the IC subnet nodes and re-generated whenever your DAO wants to execute a request!

Beyond Smart Contract Ownership

The web3 ecosystem has undergone major changes since the Ethereum Foundation first introduced programmable and executable smart contracts. After many hacks and power struggles with central authorities the web3 space has started to realize that DAOs need to go beyond simple smart contract ownership and multi-sig setups in order to become truly decentralized organizations.

Well, wish granted, Daowabunga is here to save the day. We want DAOs to live up to their name — Decentralized & autonomous organizations. This means without centralized cruxes — your whole stack must be void of culpability. Regulators will use these nooks and crannies to their advantage if they can.

Daowabunga will leverage the Internet Computer’s outbound HTTP calls & threshold ECDSA signatures so that not just the assets (smart contracts, tokens) that your dApp / community owns, but also the valuable infrastructure that is needed to access and run your dApp / project/community is controlled by proposals that have passed votes from your DAO.

Need to pay for Pokt Network endpoints? Storing files on Filecoin? Host and deploy your frontend through Fleek? Even sign up for, run, and directly manage the DAO’s Twitter account! All can be orchestrated, executed, and owned by the DAO canister and modules built around it.

Pick & Choose Your Toppings

Young padawan, are you sensing a theme here? Yes, that’s right, modularity through Daowabunga’s modules!

Daowabunga is designed to be modular at its core from day one. The Daowabunga core team is currently designing and implementing four original modules that encompass what we see as the basics needed for a DAO — a full pie if you will 🍕

However, these OG modules will not be the only way to spice up your Daowabunga experience. Developers will be encouraged to build upon and extend the current topping offerings from Daowabunga through our plug-in system (which we’re calling toppings)

Want to allow holders with a certain amount of tokens to post on the DAO’s socials? No problem, with outbound HTTP calls there will be a plugin for that! No middlemen involved, just good ole’ programmatic execution.

Daowabunga V0.1 & Beyond

Daowabunga will initially launch with the multi-sig and upgrade gateway modules and will introduce the governance and charging stations modules shortly after. You can learn more from the spec documents on our Github.

To start, we’ll launch these through open sourcing the canister code and will leave it up to developers to build access points to them. Eventually, Daowabunga will have a UI to fully configure your modules and toppings, deploy your contracts, and manage your entire DAO.

We encourage anyone excited about composable cross-chain DAOs to join our channel in Psychedelic’s Discord to start jamming about future topping ideas! See you there 👋

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Daowabunga 🍕

Booyah! Build, modify, & manage multi-chain DAOs through our extendable DAO framework. Orchestrated through the Internet Computer, build anywhere.