Daphne Chantale
2 min readJun 10, 2021

. . . Smoothie and Us

Here we go.

When you make smoothie from 2 separate things and ofcourse, the requisite fruit, the 1st thing comes out seeming yucky, the 2nd thing comes out seeming yucky. But the Fruit in them makes them both Feel (and ofcourse taste) Gloriously Divine.

Better Versions of themselves.

When 2, people come together to form a relationship (smoothie). At first look, it’s like they’d had to make drastic changes to their individual personalities in order to move more smoothly with the other person.

But the Truth is this; the fact that they went into that relationship (smoothie), with The Fruit between them, God. And consequently, The Fruits Of His Spirit… Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-Control.

The Fruit that accompanied them into the smoothie maker, makes them feel GLORIOUSLY DIVINE. Because they are Gloriously Divinely His.

These 2 separate people, went into the smoothie maker with the Fruit as 2 individuals, 2 individuals that didn’t necessarily have any reason to not be solely centered on their own selves and their own desires and their own needs and their own wants, but while in this relate — tion — ship, they are made into Better Versions of themselves by the Help of God. And The Fruits Of His Spirit.

I think this is a good hand they’ve been dealt. Here’s to better versions of ourselves 🥂

Praise God. Thank You Jesus for You.

Daphne Chantale

I am a woman, a lover of stories; our stories. I look and I see; I hear, I listen and I understand. Then I speak! and I do! to strengthen ALL.