From Classic to Personal: My Apple Pie Journey

4 min readSep 17, 2023

In the realm of culinary endeavors, I must admit, I am no master chef. However, there’s one thing I can proudly claim as my specialty — a delectable, mouthwatering apple pie. As a baker, this cherished dessert has become my pride and joy, a culinary triumph born from the timeless pages of the Joy of Cooking cookbook. Through the years, I’ve ventured on a journey of flavors, transforming the traditional recipe into a personal creation that now graces our family table with love. Join me on this apple pie adventure, as I unveil the secrets behind my culinary artistry and the delightful changes that have made this cherished treat uniquely mine. From the perfect blend of tapioca to the subtle hint of almond extract, each tweak adds a dash of magic to this American classic. Come savor the sweet success of my apple pie as we delve into the heartwarming story of its evolution.

First, I meticulously arrange all the ingredients in front of me, and my eyes gravitate towards the vibrant Granny Smith apples. With the perfect balance of tartness and sweetness, they never necessitate a splash of lemon. I consider myself fortunate to consistently find the ideal batch of Granny Smith apples, usually opting for 5 to 6 for my signature apple pie.

I always ensure I have McCormick Vanilla extract and organic almond extract on hand. The Kraft Minute Tapioca…




Dedicated mother, loving wife, dog mom, watercolor artist, creative writer, full of ideas, with humor and whimsy.