An interview with team

4 min readJan 14, 2019


1. What is Troncraft?

TRONCRAFT is a gaming platform built upon the TRON public chain. It aims to provide the players with a fair, entertaining and profitable blockchain gaming platform.

Troncraft has ambitious plan to take over the market share of traditional gaming sites. We have made a comparison of the advantages of troncraft games and traditional games in our white paper.

We believe, by sharing part of the house profit to our users will create a better user stickness and enable the platform to develop sustainably and prosperously in long term.

2. Why do you choose to develop game on tron blockchain?

Tron network has many advantages other blockchains do not have, including

· Good scalability and high TPS that ensure smooth game experience

· A strong community that provides potential large userbase

· Easier user boarding comparing to many other blockchains that allows the userbase to grow further

· A great founder who is very talented in marketing and supporting dapp developments

3. Could you introduce the team?

we are a very passionate team. The team members come from huge IT corporations such as,, We are experienced with products, project management, operation and development. We will use our limited energy and unlimited creativity to build a top dapp in tron network and create a super brand in blockchain industry!

4. What games are currently available on troncraft? And what game do you plan to add in the future?

Currently, we have a dice game and a slot racing game.

The next game will be a fomo game, as many eth players are already quite a fan of it. Next stage, we will add more games such as fish joy and monopoly.

In the future, we will also implement interchain technology to allow playing with other coins.

We also plan to develop a video stream platform, where KOLs can interact with players on

5. Can you explain the tokenmics of troncraft?

The total supply of CFT tokens is 10 billion, distributed as follow:

By playing games on troncraft platform, players will get part of the tokens, which grant their rights to share 100% of the profits according to the amount of tokens they hold.

We have also implemented a mining program.

As you can see, play in the early stages will get you more CFT tokens, so get in early!

6. Do you have a marketing plan?

We are cooperating with some famous key opinion leaders in dapp ecosystem to get exposures.

We are integrating our safe to many mobile wallets and rating platforms to drive traffics to the platform.

At the same time, we are active on social medias including telegram, twitter, medium and reddit. Later we will plan to pay more advertisement on famous blockchain websites.

We will be active offline in blockchain meetup to introduce our product.

7. Do you have anything you want to say as a parting note to the TRON community?

As trx holder, we have seen it is developing so well in the last year and is the public blockchain that is most likely to success. There are less than 1% of population who are aware of crypto currency, just like back to 1995, only 0.5% of world population notices internet. Imagine in 5 years, crypto currency and blockchain are accepted by the mass.

The future is bright and we are lucky to be early adopters.

Together, we are stronger!!!

8. Where can people find you to ask questions?

You can join us in telegram:

