Respectability, Reciprocity, and The Medium Challenge

Darshi A.
5 min readMar 21, 2023
A painting with colour changing from red to green with tapering a hundred

Relatively new to Medium, I have been eagerly reading advice on how to use the platform. One topic people often advise us on is a goal that is common to all the newcomers. It is about crossing the mystical threshold of 100 followers. For some, it may be a simple cakewalk. For others, it can be like climbing a mountain. This challenge may represent something different for each person.

For many writers, it is about starting to earn an income

For a second group, it is about making sure they can reclaim at least a fraction of the money they pay to read and write on Medium

Some others will write for the joy of writing irrespective of the number of followers

All thrill-seekers may simply wish to reach the target for the satisfaction of meeting a challenge

How the algorithms inside Medium present the articles to the readers, and how they are promoted by the platform, may introduce an additional layer of complexity. Is it a completely random possibility that I see someone else’s article on my feed? Is this selection weighted more towards the paying members or the writers with many followers? Thus, the challenge of 100 followers, being multipronged, amounts to more than a simple undertaking. Let us see what the veterans of Medium recommend greenhands to do…



Darshi A.

An avid reader who writes on science, religion, philosophy, and anthropology! Thank you for following! Appreciated!