Presenter in PHP

2 min readDec 16, 2022


In PHP, a presenter is a design pattern that separates the business logic of an application from its user interface. It is often used in Model-View-Presenter (MVP) architecture, where the presenter acts as a mediator between the model and the view.

The presenter is responsible for handling user interactions, such as form submissions or button clicks, and updating the model or view as necessary. It also handles any other business logic that needs to be implemented, such as data validation or processing.

Here is an example of how a presenter might work in PHP:

class UserPresenter
private $model;
private $view;

public function __construct(UserModel $model, UserView $view)
$this->model = $model;
$this->view = $view;

public function handleFormSubmit($formData)
// Validate the form data
if (!$this->validateFormData($formData)) {
// If the data is invalid, show an error message
$this->view->showError('Invalid form data');
// If the data is valid, update the model
// Show a success message
$this->view->showSuccess('User updated successfully');
private function validateFormData($formData)
// Validate the form data and return true if it is valid, false otherwise

In this example, the UserPresenter class has a handleFormSubmit method that is called when a form is submitted. It first validates the form data and, if it is invalid, shows an error message using the showError method of the UserView class. If the data is valid, it updates the UserModel and shows a success message using the showSuccess method of the UserView.

The presenter pattern allows you to separate the business logic of your application from its user interface, making it easier to maintain and test. It also promotes better code organization and separation of concerns.

