Security is a top priority in the world today, as cyber crime is on the steady rise.

Darb Finance
1 min readFeb 25, 2019


Darb Finance is built according to the highest standards, audited, and penetration tested. We know that security is not something that once granted will be provided. That is why we are ordering periodically pentest both from international corporations as well as from smaller, more geeky companies.

In addition, the platform provides:

a. 2FA to ensure highest possible security on a user side.


c. Confirmation to verified e-mail address.

d. Same browser login.

e. New device login confirmation.

f. All ever logged devices along with the IP and details that allows tracking connected devices with the possibility of blocking them.

g. Anti-phishing codes that allow distinguishing phishing attempts from official DARB Finance mailing.

We provide a high level of security for our users, so you can be sure that your assets and personal data are protected.



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