The Dog Food/Jewish Aisle of My Local Grocery

Anti-Semitic micro-aggressions, and how it feels to say something.

Darcy Reeder
Family Matters


A few weeks ago, my local QFC grocery store moved a lot of things around, on orders from Corporate. Mostly the changes make sense: the cereal and coffee share an aisle now; the chips are near the crackers.

But the Jewish specialty items? Oh they moved those to the front of the store, to the dog food section.

This is the third time I’ve been in QFC since the move. I’ve complained to my husband about it. I’ve tweeted about it:

I get it, local #QFC grocery store: corporate made you do weird shit this week, like combining the baking aisle with the soup aisle. But moving the #Jewish specialty items next to the dog food? Wtf. #jewishinamerica #microaggression #Antisemitism ?


But I haven’t complained to the store about it. Not yet.

I’m trying to give everyone the benefit of the doubt: I’m lucky they even carry Jewish specialty items at all. They probably don’t even realize how it looks.

But today, I can’t handle it anymore.

Because today, I’m in QFC specifically to buy candles for our menorah.



Darcy Reeder
Family Matters

Empathy for the win! Published in Gen, Human Parts, Heated, Tenderly —Feminism, Sexuality, Veganism, Anti-Racism, Parenting. She/They