The Missing Malcolm X

14 min readAug 3, 2018


Malcolm X, leader of the civil rights movement, was murdered in 1965.
There was a recent appearance of his autobiography that seemed to had
vanished for a long time.

Malcolm X, 1963 in New York

Malcolm X — The Negro

Carbon copy of the original manuscript for an unpublished chapter from the Autobiography of Malcolm X, which was written by X with the assistance of Alex Haley. Onionskin paper. Entitled Chapter 9, “The Negro.” Handwritten notation made by Malcolm X, in red ink, on the first page. 25 pages. 11 x 8 1/2'’. Slight rust marks first two pages, otherwise in excellent condition.

Malcolm X was an activist famous for his powerful rhetoric and provocative indictment of white, racist America. Alex Haley was a writer best known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning book Roots. The two men were among the most influential people of their time.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X was written as a collaboration between Malcolm X and Alex Haley from 1963 to 1965. The book details Malcolm X’s life, as well as his views on race, religion, and the social structure of America.

After the completion of Malcolm X’s Autobiography, the editors, after reading through, rejected three chapters for publication. Despite this, Malcolm X had an agreement with Alex Haley, with whom he collaborated to write this book, that these chapters would be included in the final version of the book. However, due to X’s assassination, he was of course not able to ensure that his stipulations were followed. Haley, who, throughout the writing of the Autobiography, would often attempt to soften X’s words or his views, ultimately allowed the book to be released without the controversial chapters.

The first page of the chapter reads, “”The Western world is sick. This American society — with the song of Christianity providing the white man with the illusion that what he has done to the black man is “right” — is as sick as Babylon. And the black man here in this wilderness, the so-called “Negro,” is the sickest of them all.

“The black man here is the world’s only race of people that tries to get social, and civic, and economic equality by begging for it.

“The black man here is this nation’s only large minority that has gone for one hundred years as the biggest drain on social welfare, as the forever ghetto-dweller, the forever most-unemployed, the forever most-ununified race.

“The black man here, man for man, is the forever biggest consumer at the same time that he is the biggest non-producer. And when you have got that combination, you have got — auto-matically — a man that somebody else has got to produce and provide for.

“The so-called “Negro” here is a perfect parasite image — the black tick under the delusion that he is progressing because he is riding on the back of the fat, three-stomached cow that is white America.”

One can imagine that the incendiary language and ideas presented in this chapter were an issue for the editors when they reviewed the manuscript. Malcolm X, known for his brutal honesty, gives, in this chapter, free reign to his views on the state of the African-American in America. It is particularly interesting that his ire falls not upon the white man in this chapter, but on fellow blacks. He goes on to list other instances of the black man’s complacency with the state of racial affairs: “…in New York City, I’ve watched the already Croesus-rich white man unable to get another skyscraper hotel finished before the integration-hungry so-called “Negro” is booking into it with his conventions. He’s happy because at last he is rubbing “integrated” shoulders with white conventioneers in the plush carpeted lobbies. But who do they represent? They represent the giant industries and corporations of this nation. And all the black-owned construction enterprises that could be pooled in this nation would not erect one black-owned small skyscraper.”

Malcolm X is raising a concern that he raised over and over again throughout his career — his fear of ‘token’ integration, which ultimately, in his eyes, means absolutely nothing. X opted for more deeply radical changes to the social structure in order to truly make the black man equal to the white. He, in this chapter, seems to be trying to sting the African-American out of a complacency which he feels is deadly.

Estate of Alex Haley; Sold by Kimball M. Sterling, Inc, October 1992; Gregory Reed Collection.

Gregory Reed was Rosa Parks’ lawyer, and consequently had in his possession a number of documents relating to African American history and the Civil Rights movement. Additionally, he represented the family members and Estates of members of various Motown groups, such as the Temptations.


(1925–1965) American civil rights and Muslim leader, a brilliant orator who preached black seperatism and nationalism, assassinated while giving a speech in Harlem. “I PRAY ALLAH WILL NOT PUT THE SWORD IN MY HAND, FOR I DON’T BELIEVE I COULD BE MERCIFUL TO THE DEVILS” An especially early and important handwritten and signed letter “Malcolm X” and “M”, 6 pages, 8 1/2 x 11", March 12, 1950, written from the experimental penal colony at Norfolk, Mass. to “Brother Raymond”. Malcolm talks about the Pope, President Truman, and degrees of “blackness” in a man, and who the real “devils” were (white people). Although written but several years into his acceptance of Islam at this early period in his life, Malcolm’s ideas and thoughts as expressed in this letter were to influence his life for the next thirteen years until he finally broke away from Elijah Muhammad. In part: “…When the Pope in Rome proclaimed this a ‘holy year’ I knew the time was ‘nearer than many realize.’ He says he is the “Door.” (smile) Well, no doubt he is, but where does he (as a door) lead to, or from?…Truman is one who knows what’s going on, but you can see he’s not talking. When he got that [Masonic] 33rd degree I knew he’d be the last one…for that is the last degree he can get…the farthest he can travel…and he is also the 33rd president. You think this is coincidence? No other president ever got beyond 32 in office…and those who sought to go farther while in office, died in office. Do you realize that of all those who died in office none died a natural death?…No, what is going on now cannot be averted even by Truman, because I do believe he is at present taking his orders from someone above him…from Allah Himself. Can you not see how the land is fast becoming crippled by various methods and Truman raises not a hand to deter the events…he must be powerless!…Yes, The Light teaches the Blacker a man is the Holier he is inside. Oddly, but I’ve never been taught this yet, directly, by anyone…but my mind has given it much thought and drawn many conclusions…Long have I wondered what made people black…since accepting Islam I have pondered over what it is that the Godly possess that the ungodly lack…what substance was it that comprised the Spiritual Essence found within the Godly, but void in the ungodly…The word ‘pigment’ is the Root…Those who are without Spirit are ‘blanc’ [white]…for the Truth can be seen!!..Africa being the Home of the Holy People, is Africa not then the Holy Land everyone is fighting for…and these devils, having robbed us blind, point elsewhere to fool us on the true whereabouts of the Holy Land is and we so blindly look where he points…but have not our own Black Fathers and Mothers been always the only ones to sing of the River Jordan…Is the Nile the True River Jordan? Was the Nile not the river that we were sold down…the River that we descended? Brother, forgive me for the many queries, but this devil sure has things confused, and everyone in darkness…When the Light fully shines, I pray Allah will not put the Sword in my hand, for I don’t believe I could be merciful to the devils…” Malcolm goes on to speak of whites and “their God:” “Just as ours is the Highest Essence of Blackness, the Most Holy, Allah, All in All…theirs is the opposite… theirs is blanc…Nothing! Lucifere! Lucifere is a Latin word. Breaking it apart: fere is the verb ‘to be’ meaning ‘to carry’…luci means white. This Truth gives me my real kicks, Brother…” He notes in his initialed postscript: ”Don’t forget to tell me of S[onny] Stitt and of all the others in Show Biz who are Muslims.The young fellows here like to know those things…” Folds and some wear, one or two water spots in teh text, else very good. In 1946, Malcolm X (Malcolm Little) was arrested for burglary and larceny and sentenced to eight to ten years in prison. He was paroled in 1952, and was ordained a minister in the Nation of Islam.

Malcolm X — economic and cultural empowerment of black communities

An unpublished, multi-platform plan for economic and cultural empowerment of black communities. Four pages, 11 x 8 1/2'’. In these pages Malcolm X outlines “…the establishment of a total black community,” which includes the establishment of schools, hospitals, businesses, temples, museums, banks, libraries, social services, the development of racial pride, creation of cultural activities, and the separation of the black and white community. This would result in the white man seeing the black man as an actual human — once he can fend for himself — which would ultimately result in true ‘brotherhood.’

Recognized for their historical importance, these pages were exhibited at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in 1994. According to the museum text, these “selected pages from the unpublished writings of Malcolm X, and from omitted chapters of the manuscript of The Autobiography of Malcolm X…prophesized the empowerment-zones concepts implemented by President Bill Clinton in 1994.”

Many of Malcolm X’s theories were centered around the ideas of self-empowerment, rather than asking white Americans for assistance, something that X was not optimistic about. As X states in his famous 1964 speech ‘The Ballot or the Bullet,’ “The philosophy of black nationalism involves a re-education program in the black community in regards to economics. Our people have to be made to see that any time you take your dollar out of your community and spend it in a community where you don’t live, the community where you live will get poorer and poorer, and the community where you spend your money will get richer and richer.”

Estate of Alex Haley; Sold by Kimball M. Sterling, Inc, October 1992; Gregory Reed Collection.

Malcolm X — Promise of Young

One page of Malcolm X’s unpublished writing, expressing the promise he feels that young whites possess. This is an incredibly optimistic view for Malcolm. This page was quite possibly meant for inclusion in Autobiography of Malcolm X, written in collaboration with Alex Haley. 11 x 8 1/2'’. This page is a color photocopy, with an original handwritten edit by Malcolm X, in red ballpoint pen. This page accompanied the original manuscript for the Autobiography of Malcolm X. It is possible that it was meant to be inserted into the final chapter (Chapter 19, ‘1965’) of the book, as Malcolm X does speak optimistically about whites in this chapter. However, there is nothing in the published version of Chapter 19 that is so explicitly hopeful as the thoughts expressed in this document.

When Malcolm X’s Autobiography was completed, there were three chapters that the editors rejected for publication. Despite this, Malcolm X had an agreement with Alex Haley, with whom he collaborated to write this book, that these chapters would be included in the published version of the book. However, due to X’s assassination, he was of course not able to ensure that his stipulations were followed. Haley, who, throughout the writing of the Autobiography, would often attempt to soften X’s words or his views, ultimately allowed the book to be released without the controversial chapters. Found in Alex Haley’s estate were various documents and unpublished materials created by Haley and X in collaboration.

“The American black man’s greatest promise hope among the whites, it seemed to me, was, Gentile or Jew, the young whites, of whom I had met so many thousands when speaking at the colleges and universities.

Malcolm X ends with, “I felt that the young whites in America wished to break the cycle of passing along to children a sin so terrible that it was hard to face. I felt that the young whites sincerely wanted to expunge their guilt, and that this was the greatest promise that America in 1964 held out to the black man.”

As MS Handler, of the New York Times, describes in his Introduction to the Autobiography of Malcolm X, “Malcolm’s attitude toward the white man underwent a marked change in 1964…Malcolm’s meteoric eruption on the national scene brought him into wider contact with white men who were not the “devils” he had thought they were. He was much in demand as a speaker at student forums in Eastern universities and had appeared at many by the end of his short career as a national figure. He always spoke respectfully and with a certain surprise of the positive response of white students to his lectures.”

In the epilogue of Autobiography of Malcolm X, Alex Haley writes about Malcolm’s changing views on whites: “‘The young whites, and blacks, too, are the only hope that America has,” he [Malcolm X] said to me once. “The rest of us have always been living in a lie.”’

Estate of Alex Haley; Sold by Kimball M. Sterling, Inc, October 1992; Gregory Reed Collection.


(1925–1965) American civil rights and Muslim leader, a brilliant orator who preached black separatism and nationalism, assassinated while giving a speech in Harlem. Excellent, especially illuminating content typed signed document, 1p. 8 1/2" x 11" [n.p., ca. March, 1963], a page of the typed transcript of the famous May 1963 Playboy magazine interview between Malcolm and author ALEX HALEY (1921–1992). In part: “… But I don’t want to use up all the time talking about the Jew calling the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s followers anti-Semitic. But I want to tell you what I always think about every time I hear that. I think about the Jews changing their names — trying to become exactly what’s the worst anti-Semite there is, the Anglo-Saxon Christian. The Jew ought to stop wasting his time investigating the black man. We’re both threatened by the same enemy. The answer for the black man that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is teaching is — separate! From everything white…” Haley next poses the question: “…Mr. Malcolm, one has almost no choice but to infer that you feel that no white man on earth can be trusted by what you term the ‘black man’ ?” Malcolm responds: “…I say, sir, that you can never make an intelligent judgment without evidence. And if any man will study the entire history of the relationship between the white man and the black man, no evidence will be found that justifies any confidence or faith that the black man might have in the white man today…” Haley again: “… We don’t have to go away back into history, Mr. Malcolm. Behind every Negro advancement somewhere has stood the sincere efforts of white men to help them advance. To mention just one area of these efforts, the tens of thousands of scholarships -” Malcolm interrupts: “Sir, a man who tosses worms in the river isn’t necessarily a friend of the fish…” Malcolm signs his approval at the bottom of the page in pencil, making only one change: the deletion of the phrase “We’re both threatened by the same enemy.” Malcolm insisted on reviewing and editing every page of the transcript, and signed his approval to the corrected copy. The document is set into an approx. 23" x 25" gilt frame, with a photographic portrait of Malcolm and an explanatory plaque. The document itself is in fine condition.

Malcolm X — Doc On Abraham Lincoln

Original, unpublished segment of a document, which appears to be by Malcolm X. Possibly meant for inclusion in Autobiography of Malcolm X. Discusses X’s views on Lincoln, which are not favorable. 8 1/2 x 6 3/4'’, three staples on either side of the page, good condition.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X was written as a collaboration between Malcolm X and Alex Haley from 1963 to 1965. Malcolm X was an activist famous for his powerful rhetoric and provocative indictment of white, racist America. Alex Haley was a writer best known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning book Roots. The two men were among the most influential people of their time. Autobiography details Malcolm X’s life, as well as his views on race, religion, and the social structure of America.

When Malcolm X and Alex Haley were writing the Autobiography, one way of changing paragraphs was a physical cut and paste, where a piece of the text would be removed, and then stapled back in to another location. Judging by the staples in this document, it is very likely that this at one point included somewhere in the text, but later removed.

“Lincoln, that great ‘saint,’ that revered ‘Messiah’ for the Negroes. “Honest Abe,” always known as the Emancipator. When actually he was a separatist. (We had been imprisoned here, and all he did was bring us out of solitary confinement.)

He was honest. June 26, 1857, at Springfield, he said what he honestly felt, ‘There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people at the idea of an indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races. A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation; but as immediate separation is impossible the next best thing…is to keep them apart where they are not already together.

September 18, 1858, at Charleston, Ill…’I will say that there is a physical difference between the white and black races living together on terms of social and political equality…I am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. “August 21, 1859, at Ottawa, Ill. ‘I hold that a Negro is not and never ought to be a citizen of the United States. I hold that this government was made on the white basis, by white men for the benefit of white man and their posterity forever, and should be administered by white men and none others.”

August 14, 1862, as the President to a deputation of free Negroes at Washington, ‘Even when you cease to be slaves, you are yet far removed from being placed on an equality with white people…On this broad continent, not a single man of your race is made the equal of a single white man of ours. Go where you are treated the best, and the ban is still upon you…I cannot alter it if I would.’ “(These Negroes were the vanguard of the Negro begging the white man to accept him…)”

Malcolm X was known to believe that Lincoln was not the hero he was made to seem — X was in fact of the opinion that Lincoln had tricked the African-American population.

Estate of Alex Haley; Sold by Kimball M. Sterling, Inc, October 1992; Gregory Reed Collection.

