Daria Benedict
the change exchange
1 min readMar 19, 2020



Photo by The New York Public Library


i sat and watched quietly

through the window

At the Boy

who would have, by any other means, been a man.

he sat and ate his goldfish crackers — I think that’s what they were —

One by One.

sometimes rapidly,

before he could finish the one in his mouth,

sometimes slowly savoring

each one alone.

his hand from

Time to Time

would flutter out in front of him — quickly

and then he would say something

to himself.

And Smile.

— daria of change

Excerpt from the upcoming book ‘And Now, A Few Words From the Author’ by daria of change.



Daria Benedict
the change exchange

Writer. Lover. Pianist. Activist. Singer. Rapper. Philosopher. Digital Strategist. Marketer. Passionate producer of ideas that change the world. @dariaofchange