Can you purchase your Starbucks coffee with bitcoins?

Daria Generalova
2 min readAug 6, 2018


Starbucks will help its clients spend their bitcoins. Such was the slightly anticlimactic end to the much talked about story picked up by many global business and crypto media outlets at the end of last week. So, will you be able to purchase a coffee at Starbucks using bitcoins or not? Officially, no, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. An application is currently being developed that will enable cryptocurrencies to be quickly converted to US dollars, which can then be used to purchase your favorite coffee.

Ultimately, this should be seen as an announcement by one of the most famous worldwide coffeehouse chains of its willingness to accept bitcoin as a means of payment. However, since global regulatory practice regarding the crypto industry still discourages the direct exchange of bitcoin for goods and services, Starbuck’s complicated combination ended with the following official position: “We will not be accepting digital currencies.”

This is a case of a company trying to stay abreast of both worldwide trends and the requirements of regulators, all while clearly keeping an eye to the future. The best advice for business concerning bitcoin in the coming years is to be ready and set on the starting blocks.



Daria Generalova

Marketing, PR & communications specialist & a speaker at numerous international conferences in fintech & blockchain. Joined blockchain industry 2 years ago.