Taking effective breakes in 5 steps

Daria Karasek
4 min readJul 21, 2016


The power of taking some time off to boost one’s productivity has been underestimated for a very long time. But now it’s the time to make it work for you and your company. So, if your performance at work is not always as good as it could be, it might actually mean that you need to take more breaks, or more likely, better breaks.

The best way to improve the quality of your “off time” is to follow these 5 steps:

1. Wait a minute!

Hemingway used to say that sometimes the best moment to stop is when everything is going well. It may seem a bit odd at first, but taking a break in the middle of the project could really surprise you. If you are at a point where you already have some work done, and you exactly know what you are going to do next — imagine how great it could be to leave your desk for a little while and come back with more enthusiasm than ever! Such pause may result in a brand new perspective towards the project. And from time to time, a little revolution in your approach to work can be beneficial.

Sometimes the best moment to stop is when everything is going well CLICK TO TWEET

2. Be chatty

Nothing works better than a little chat with your co-workers. That’s what really makes your workplace ‘a place to be’. Building relations makes people more dedicated to the company, and as we all know — the best ideas are usually born in seemingly meaningless conversations. Of course, they can’t last forever because it would ruin the whole idea of getting more work done. However, keep in mind that being social significantly enhances team spirit, and this in turn — makes work way more productive!

3. Work out

As turns out that the infallible way to get your creative juices flowing is nothing else than a good old stroll. According to a research on learning, memory and cognition by Marily Oppezzo and Daniel L. Schwartz from Stanford University — even a short walk can significantly boost creative processes in your brain. Moving around in general increases creative ideation and generates amazing effects. When you sit down and start doing you work all the benefits stay with you. If you are not a sporty type, you can always… start cleaning your desk! Your brain will thank you, and your table will look clean and shiny. 2 in 1, who doesn’t like that? Just give your ideas some legs!

A good break at work can give your ideas some legs! CLICK TO TWEET

4. Feed your brain

The brain has to eat too. It doesn’t need much, just a shot of glucose during a break, and you are ready to hit the productivity highway. Ready like a car with a full tank, and a great road to master. As much as we all love cookies, opt for healthy and nutritious choices. Go nuts! That will benefit not only your brain but also become a prerequisite to your overall performance.

5. Play some tunes

Playing some music can significantly improve our motor and reasoning skills, which basically means more work done, in a more effective way. Seems like a win-win situation to me! Music makes everything more enjoyable, in a noisy workplace, it’s also a perfect escape. While picking your tunes consider something classic or electronic. Some researches show that these two types are the most effective when you want to focus, due to the fact that they don’t contain lyrics and usually give you a perfect amount of variety. Not too much, not too little.

Originally published on: http://blog.timble.us/blog/break-make-5-ideas-make-breaks-work-effective/



Daria Karasek

Marketing Hero at @scalac. When I’m out of the office I love to cook delicious Italian food and play board games with my friends. #boardgamegeek