The Galapagos Diary

Daria Krauzo
5 min readFeb 8, 2019
Concha Perla — my favourite spot for a lonely morning swim, lots of sea lions and amazing underwater life all around me

I had this very ambitious vision of myself living on a wild island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and writing a lot. It’s already been a while since I came here and it is the first time that I have actually opened Medium. I have been writing in this chaotic journal-like way here and there, but somehow I needed a little while till I could process and understand everything that has been happening in the last weeks.

I love travelling, I really do, but on this particular trip, everything that possibly could go wrong did go wrong.

  • I didn’t fly when I was supposed to because my passport was only 5 months valid and you need at least 6 months until the expiration date.
  • They cancelled my flight back because I didn’t show up to this one.
  • I had to convince the Polish embassy in Madrid to give me a new passport and pay for it.
  • I had to buy a new flight.
  • My suitcase got lost in Colombia so I arrived in Guayaquil only with winter clothes on and a toothbrush.
  • My visa to Galapagos had the wrong passport number and they didn’t want to let me pass as a resident.
  • I finally arrived on the island and the place where I was supposed to stay was not available anymore so I slept on a kitchen floor for the first few nights.



Daria Krauzo

I love books, carrots and (very) long walks. I write to make sense of being human. /