Life as extraordinary as it is

Daria Krauzo
3 min readMay 21, 2018

The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.

I am not the only girl who travels alone and lives abroad, and certainly I am not the first to live a nomadic life. Still, there are times I am absolutely bewildered by each mile I have traveled, each meal I have eaten, each person I have met, and each room in which I have slept.

As ordinary as it may appear, there are times when it is completely beyond my imagination.

I certainly believe that gratefulness is the most essential virtue in life. The capacity to appreciate what you already have, without losing the hunger for more, gives you peace and an uncomplicated exit toward happiness.

I think if you’re not inspired by life, you’re not paying attention.

These are the simple things you can notice, and enjoy. In the end, these are the things you remember. For me, the first necessity is to claim the morning, which is mine. For me the best way to give the morning back to myself is to open a real book as I drink my first cup of coffee. I’m not sure why real books are best. I think the pages remind me that I have fingerprints.



Daria Krauzo

I love books, carrots and (very) long walks. I write to make sense of being human. /