Don’t Let The Internet Rush You

Darian O'Neil
3 min readJan 26, 2018

There’s this idea I’ve always found intriguing that you have your entire life to make your debut and only a couple of years to follow it up. It’s lowkey trippy. A heavy, almost instantaneous weight is placed on your shoulders right after having an ample amount of time to gather a multitude of experiences for your initial output to the world. It seems that time isn’t a luxury that us post-millennials are afforded, though, because that giant weight on our shoulders burdens us at all times. We constantly feel like we’re running out of time. There’s no room for failure. None at all.

If you scroll down your Twitter or Instagram timeline at any given moment, you’re likely to stumble across someone “famous” that’s the same age as you — sometimes for no reason at all. Naturally it may discourage you and you might wonder what exactly it is that you’re doing wrong. That’s okay, I’ve been in the same position. The realization that our own peers are doing better than us may lead us to believe that we aren’t working hard enough because, let’s be honest, we all deserve those followers. We all deserve those likes. We all deserve those retweets. We all deserve that clout. Thus, the nerve-wracking phenomena of being “slept on.”

Social media has had a major hand in this underlying pressure for success at an early age, to the point where it feels like a necessity. If you’re not…

