N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine Market Size, Growth, Forecast 2023–2030

5 min readOct 17, 2023
N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine Market Size

Market Overview and Report Coverage

N,N’-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine is a chemical compound used primarily as a curing agent in epoxy resins. It is a versatile compound that finds applications in various industries such as adhesives, coatings, textiles, and pharmaceuticals. It possesses excellent thermal stability, high strength, and good adhesion properties, making it a preferred choice in many applications.

As for the future and current outlook of the N,N’-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine market, it is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years. The increasing demand for epoxy resins from various end-use industries such as construction, automotive, and electronics is driving the market growth for this compound. The growth of these industries, particularly in emerging economies, is anticipated to boost the demand for N,N’-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine.

Additionally, the compound’s applications in the pharmaceutical industry are also expected to contribute to the market growth. N,N’-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine is used in the synthesis of various drugs and pharmaceutical intermediates, and the expanding pharmaceutical industry is projected to create new opportunities for market growth.

Furthermore, technological advancements and innovations in the production process of N,N’-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine are also expected to enhance market growth. Manufacturers are focusing on developing cost-effective and eco-friendly production methods, which is likely to fuel the market further.

However, the market may face challenges regarding the environmental impact of the compound and stringent regulations pertaining to its usage. The potential health hazards associated with N,N’-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine pose a concern for both manufacturers and end-users, leading to increased scrutiny and regulations on its application.

In conclusion, with the growing demand for epoxy resins and increasing applications in various industries, the N,N’-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine market is expected to experience significant growth. However, strict regulations and environmental concerns may pose challenges to the market’s growth. Nonetheless, the market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 15% during the forecasted period.

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Market Segmentation

The N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine Market Analysis by types is segmented into:

  • Type I
  • Type II

The N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine market can be classified into two types: Type I and Type II. Type I market refers to the commercial availability of the compound, which is widely used in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, water treatment, and coatings. Type II market, on the other hand, involves the customized production of N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine to meet specific requirements of individual customers. This type of market typically caters to specialized applications and demands, providing tailored solutions to meet unique industry needs.

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The N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine Market Industry Research by Application is segmented into:

  • Application I
  • Application II

N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine, also known as BAED or AEPD, finds application in various industries. In Application I, this compound is used as a chelating agent in the production of detergents, textile dyes, and water treatment chemicals, providing enhanced performance and stability. In Application II, BAED serves as a curing agent in the manufacturing of epoxy resins, leading to improved mechanical properties and heat resistance. These applications highlight the versatility and effectiveness of N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine in diverse markets.

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In terms of Region, the N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine Market Players available by Region are:

  • North America:
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Europe:
  • Germany
  • France
  • U.K.
  • Italy
  • Russia
  • Asia-Pacific:
  • China
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • India
  • Australia
  • China Taiwan
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Malaysia
  • Latin America:
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Argentina Korea
  • Colombia
  • Middle East & Africa:
  • Turkey
  • Saudi
  • Arabia
  • UAE
  • Korea

What are the Emerging Trends in the Global N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine market?

The global N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine market is witnessing several emerging trends. Firstly, there is a growing demand for the compound in various end-use industries such as textiles, paints and coatings, and personal care products. The increasing usage of N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine in these sectors is attributed to its properties like excellent emulsifying and dispersing capabilities. Secondly, manufacturers are focusing on the development of innovative and eco-friendly production processes to reduce the environmental impact of the compound. Additionally, the market is witnessing the emergence of key players investing in research and development activities to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine for broader application possibilities.

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Major Market Players

BASF is a leading player in the competitive market of N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine, with a history dating back to 1865. The company’s wide range of chemical products are used in industries such as automotive, construction, and agriculture. BASF has a strong focus on research and development, constantly innovating and improving its products and processes. With its global presence and extensive distribution network, BASF has a significant market reach.

Another notable player in the market is J&K SCIENTIFIC, an international chemical company based in China. The company specializes in the production and distribution of fine chemicals, including N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine. J&K SCIENTIFIC has established itself as a reliable supplier in the industry by adhering to strict quality standards and providing exceptional customer service.

Chengdu XiYa is a chemical company based in China, primarily engaged in the production of organic and inorganic chemicals. The company offers a wide range of chemical intermediates, including N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine. Chengdu XiYa has been growing steadily in the market due to its commitment to product quality and customer satisfaction.

Yuhao Chemical is another prominent player in the market, specializing in the production of chemical intermediates. The company has a strong focus on technological innovation and has developed advanced manufacturing processes to ensure high-quality products. Yuhao Chemical’s N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine is widely used in various applications, such as the production of pharmaceuticals and polyurethane materials.

Zhangjiagang City Dawei Assistants Industry is a chemical company based in China, primarily engaged in the production and sale of chemical additives. The company offers a wide range of products, including N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine, which is used as an additive in industries such as oil and gas, agriculture, and water treatment. Zhangjiagang City Dawei Assistants Industry has witnessed steady growth in the market due to its reliable product quality and competitive pricing.

Exact sales revenue figures for the listed companies are not available, as they are often considered sensitive business information and not publicly disclosed. However, all of these companies have established themselves as key players in the N,N`-Bis-(3-Aminopropyl)Ethylenediamine market, with significant market share and continuous growth in their respective regions.

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