How to Create Your Own Cartoon: A Step-by-Step Guide

Daria Ren
3 min readMay 12, 2023


Creating a cartoon is a fun and creative way to express yourself and share your stories with others. Whether you’re an artist or just starting out, making your own cartoon can be a rewarding and exciting experience. In this article, we’ll take you through the steps of creating your own cartoon from start to finish.

Step 1: Develop Your Concept

The first step in creating your own cartoon is to develop your concept. This is where you decide on the story you want to tell and the characters you want to use. Think about what kind of message you want to convey and what type of audience you want to target. Once you have your concept in mind, you can start brainstorming ideas for your characters and their personalities.

Step 2: Create Your Characters

Creating your characters is one of the most important steps in the cartoon-making process. You want to make sure your characters are unique and memorable. Start by sketching out rough drafts of your characters and experimenting with their designs until you find something you like. Then, you can create a more detailed version of your characters and add color and shading to bring them to life.

Step 3: Develop Your Storyline

Now that you have your characters, it’s time to develop your storyline. Think about the plot and how you want your characters to interact with each other. Create a script or an outline of your story to keep yourself organized and on track. You may want to start with a simple story and build from there as you gain more experience.

Step 4: Storyboarding

Once you have your script, it’s time to create a storyboard. A storyboard is a sequence of drawings that depict the different scenes in your story. This will help you visualize how your story will flow and make it easier to plan out the animation process.

Step 5: Animation

Now that you have your storyboard, it’s time to start animating your cartoon. This can be done using traditional hand-drawn animation techniques or with digital animation software. If you’re new to animation, there are many tutorials and resources available online to help you get started.

Step 6: Editing

After you’ve finished animating your cartoon, it’s time to edit and refine your work. This involves cleaning up your animation, adding sound effects, and fine-tuning your timing to make sure your cartoon flows smoothly.

Step 7: Sharing Your Work

Finally, it’s time to share your work with the world. You can upload your cartoon to social media platforms, video sharing sites, or even submit it to animation festivals. Don’t be afraid to show your work to others and get feedback. This will help you improve your skills and create even better cartoons in the future.

In conclusion, creating your own cartoon can be a fun and rewarding experience. With some creativity, practice, and patience, you can bring your stories to life and share them with others. Follow these steps and don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. Who knows, you might just create the next big animated hit!

