Donte' A. Bundrent
2 min readNov 12, 2018

Bridges Over Mines

Audio Blog

Serendipity is real: Too often we take it for granted.

I was just musing over the idea of how often people self-sabotage based off of emotional responses to pressure. I had an opportunity to witness it happen multiple times Veteran’s Day weekend 2018.

That said, this is the perfect time to share the aforementioned audio blog! (Give it a Listen)

Pressure. Be it internal or external has a tendency to reveal our true self. The face behind the veil that displays our vulnerabilities.

For many, this pressure is too much. The shear intensity of it bewilders them and inspires poor judgment.

But for others, this pressure serves as a forge — tempering will power & improving their level of performance.

On a weekend created to honor an endless list of proud men & women ask yourself…

“Do I burst under pressure or embrace its challenges. Allowing it to forge me like a diamond?” — Donte’ A. Bundrent


“The Brave Men & Women who have put their mind, body & soul into selfless endeavors: Choosing bravery in the face of pressure over cowardice. Thank you for leading by example in a world that promotes the contrary.” — Donte’ A. Bundrent




