Dario Wünsch
1 min readOct 12, 2019

I’ve been waiting to share my thoughts and have waited until Blizzard released a statement.

Now that they have, I’m deeply disappointed. While I can respect private companies have a policy of not allowing political statements in their broadcast, I can’t help but feel Blizzard has left themselves too much room to apply this policy some times but not others.

I strongly believe any person, in any country, has a fundamental right to voice their political opinion on whatever they please. Much of my audience is from countries where that right is legally protected. However, that does not make us immune to influence from governments that don’t grant their citizens such rights.

As artists, journalists, entrepreneurs, athletes, employees, we are in danger of having to self police ourselves. If speaking out openly, even on our own platforms, can have consequences for our financial security (and even safety), or that of our employers, a chilling effect stifles our freedom of speech. We must be careful to not let financial interests hold the free exchange of opinions and ideas hostage.

If the history of my country has taught me anything, it’s that stripping rights away from people is rarely a sudden process. It tends to creep up on people. Not always are laws the first measure defining what people are able to say anymore.

I encourage anyone that can safely speak up, to keep doing so. To circumvent censorship whenever they can and to defy anyone that tries to tell you what you can say.