Tony Robbin’s Model: His Strategy Changed My Life.

Darius Tan
5 min readMay 20, 2019


Look At His Bloody Gorgeous Smile, 1 Of My Favourite Role Models Till Date.

1 word. But 1 word that changed my life. 1 word that allows most of the millionaires to be where they are at. 1 word that means so much to people who know how to use it, but not to those who don’t. And that’s what I’m going to uncover today. In the previous article on unleashing your potential, we touched a bit on Modelling. And now I’m going to show you how it changed my perspective of life, and everything else that I do in life.

I was a nobody. No one knew who I was, no one knew what I did, no one in the damn world knew Darius existed. That’s the case for everyone who started out and wanted to be successful. Same goes for me, I was a nobody. I didn’t know that I would be able to get people attending my events or helping people to run their events.

I was stuck. I know that I really wanted to speak and I wanted to start impacting the lives around me. That was my calling. But how in the world am I going to make it big?

At that point in time, it was about 2017, I was re-reading one of Tony’s best books “unlimited power”, and he talked about this word called modeling. An extremely powerful word, but a severely underestimated one(exactly why I didn’t catch it the first time I read). He mentioned that the key to every success is to model.

Well, I somewhat knew what was modeling because of life coaching. But I didn’t know what was the full extent of its capabilities. So you know what, I decided to apply what he taught. It wasn’t very in-depth, but it created the foundation for me to know what was modeling(and I’m going to share with you that very foundation).

So before I go on, I know you must be thinking, what exactly is modeling? It’s simply the act of installing the best beliefs, mindset, physiology & strategies from a successful person into yourself. And the reason for modeling is because we’ll like to take the same steps to success as the person we look up to!

Success often leaves footprints, and to get to the same success as the person you look up to, you just have to learn from the trail he left behind & emulate the same success that he did.

Well, Darius, I’m not a damn robot or computer, how do we go about “installing?” I’ll get to that in a minute. Back to my story… So the person I wanted to model, was none other than Tony Robbins himself, that’s how great he is.

First, I went to read the books he had, unlimited power, and awaken the giant within.

Then I went to subscribe to his Youtube & watch whatever content he posted. I followed his social media accounts to hear what are the thoughts that he has.

Simply put, I was an extreme stalker who was obsessed with him. I studied the beliefs he had, the thoughts he produced, how he carried himself, and literally everything about him. Yes, I am indeed obsessed. You can know me as the guy who is obsessed with numerous people(I’ll talk about the rest another time). I am the guy who would click on the article that says “25 things you didn’t know about Tony”. (I really did!)

So what I did next was to start installing all of his best traits over to myself, and emulate whatever that he did. That allowed me to start speaking with more confidence, controlling the thoughts that I have, changing the words that I use, the mindset that I have, how I branded myself… everything about me took a turning point.

And that was the start of how this nobody could start working with clients & close several big money deals. I took on clients after clients after clients, and I was just following the footprints that Tony Robbins left.

Essentially, modeling is like Ctrl C Ctrl V on yourself.

So back to the main question and the foundation of modeling…how do you start “installing?” The 1 word answer to that is “study”. When you wanted to find out an answer to a problem that you have, what did you do? You probably went to google and searched for the answer. I had to find out who created the word “lisp” to make people with a lisp sound like an ass who can’t pronounce ass. Same thing here. If you wanted to get the best beliefs, mindset, physiology & strategies, you got to go seek for the answer. And the way to do that is to study a particular person(and you’ll want to study from the best in the industry)

If I wanted to emulate the success of Tony Robbins, I’ll go watch his Youtube, read his articles, listen to his podcasts, go to his events, just to know what were his beliefs, mindset, physiology & strategies. When I understand what he has, that is when I will emulate what he has.

If he has the belief that he can change a million lives in a year, I will have that same belief. If he has the mindset of being constantly hungry, I will adopt that mindset as well. If he is constantly having a posture of a confident person, I will do it as well. If his first step to success was to speak to a bunch of nobodies & keep doing that, I will do it as well. That is essentially the core of modeling.

Now, are you ready to start modeling your way to success? Here are the following steps that you should take

  1. Find a person to model, it can be the best in your industry/market, or it can be a person you look up to, maybe your mom, dad or your friend
  2. Study the person & learn what are his/her beliefs, mindset, physiology, and strategies.
  3. Emulate the best characteristics & avoid the mistakes he/she made.

And that’s the basics of modeling! Now, if you would like to go in-depth into dissecting out a person’s beliefs, mindset, physiology & strategy, you can get my best-selling book “Reprogram Your Mind”, where you’ll discover the how to get the best traits of the person & the most efficient strategy to model after a person. When you’re ready to dive into success, click here to get the book.

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About The Author

Darius Tan is the Founder of Success Mindset, Entrepreneur Journal & BusinessDailyIdea. As a Success Coach, he has impacted the lives of over thousands of people in Southeast Asia. You can connect with him on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.

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Darius Tan

NLP Trainer & Peak Performance Coach who impacted thousands. I help ordinary people achieve the EXTRAordinary life!