A drone entered the frozen Batagaika Crater. The largest permafrost depression continues to grow.

Dark Energy Articles
4 min readJul 28, 2023

Batagaika Crater is the largest permafrost depression in the world. Researchers gain valuable insights into the history of our planet from this location. This is how the crater looks from the inside.

[Photo: NASA Earth Observatory images by Jesse Allen, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Siberia is one of the most challenging yet fascinating geographical regions in the world. The northern part of Russia seems distant and is associated with a difficult history. However, these areas are now most commonly visited by researchers. It was in Siberia that the tomb of the “charioteer” dating back 3000 years was found. Earlier, archaeologists discovered “zombie viruses” that survived millennia in the permafrost.

Batagaika Crater is the largest of its kind in the world.

But Siberia intrigues not only with its continuously discovered history. Due to its extreme climate, the region can boast various weather and geological anomalies. In eastern Siberia, for example, there is a huge crater known by locals as the “gateway to the underworld.” The Batagaika Crater, as it is called, is located in Yakutia, 10 km southeast of Batagay and 5 km northeast of the settlement of Ese-Khayya. The formation’s name comes from the right tributary of the Yana River.



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