Guide to Bergamo — attractions, sights, curiosities and everything you need to know before you travel

Dark Energy Articles
9 min readApr 26, 2022

Bergamo tempts with its immense beauty and attractions. No wonder it is one of the most visited cities in Italy by tourists from all over the world. My guide will tell you what to see in this charming metropolis and how to plan your trip.

Bergamo — [Moahim, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

Bergamo: where is it located?

City of towers and walls — this is the most vivid way to describe Bergamo, which is located in the heart of the Italian Lombardy. This is the richest and most economically developed region of Italy. It is basically two cities in one. Bergamo Città Alta (upper city) is the older part, surrounded by Venetian walls. Città Bassa (lower city) is modern, dynamic, and vibrant. Both form a medium sized town of about 120,000 inhabitants. Located at the foot of the Alps, Città Alta is considered one of the most beautiful medieval relics in all of Italy.

Attractions and sights of Bergamo: what is worth seeing?

Bergamo is an ideal place in many respects — here you can satiate almost all the senses. Stunning landscapes, which the city owes its location at the gates of the Alps. Majestic monuments, which are a monument to history. Traditional flavors associated with Italian cuisine. And the…



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