How did the myth of satyrs originate? Surprising discovery in Iran

Dark Energy Articles
5 min readNov 4, 2023

Satyrs are among the most fascinating figures in Greek mythology. A new explanation for the origin of the popular myth has been presented by an antiquities researcher from Stanford University. As she points out, the sources of the legends about satyrs should not be sought in Greece but in the lands of present-day Iran.

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It’s hard to believe, but in the salt mines of Chehrehābād in northern Iran, you can come across a mummy. Miners working there discovered this in 1994. The mummified remains, naturally preserved in the salt deposit, turned out to be the first of a series of discoveries in the following years. The remains were accompanied by wooden tools, clothing, ceramics, and leather footwear.

Where was the “Salt Man” found?

The “Salt Man” found in 2007 gained particular popularity. The discovery was made after heavy rains washed away the deposit. The mummy had bright red hair and a beard. It was most likely a miner from the time of the Roman Empire who was buried in a mining accident. Radiocarbon dating allowed for the determination that the accident occurred around 400 BC. The salt mummies found so far date from the Achaemenid dynasty (539–333 BC) to the Sassanids (240–640 AD).



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