In search of ancient civilizations. In these places you will discover the ghosts of the past

Dark Energy Articles
4 min readJul 10, 2022

All that’s left of ancient civilizations is history. However, thanks to successive archaeological discoveries and scientists, this one is still alive. There are still places in the world that remember the ancient cultures that inhabited our planet.

[Photo: Peggychoucair from Pixabay]

Since our species has existed, humans have always strived to live in community. Over thousands of years they have differed from each other, but what united them was development. In each historical period its dynamics were different, and in retrospect we can see how different cultures changed, others intermingled, and some, although separated by centuries, had much in common.

In this way, civilizations were formed, which determined the level of development of society at a given time. What characterizes them today is their uniqueness and sometimes enigmatic nature. Although almost every day we hear about more archaeological discoveries that reveal the next secrets of the Maya or Aztecs, we are aware that we will not learn everything about the lives of the ancient inhabitants of our planet. I guess that’s what intrigues us the most… So let’s check out where to meet the ghosts of the past and enter the time machine, at least for a while.

Mexico and pre-Columbian civilizations



Dark Energy Articles

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