Inuits: Arctic Survival Experts with Brief Lives

Dark Energy Articles
7 min readOct 16, 2023

Eskimos, or Inuits, are inhabitants of the Far North. For many centuries, they have lived in places that prove deadly for the average person without special preparation and equipment. Over the years, they have acquired remarkable skills that we might now call survival techniques, and their bodies have adapted to extremely low temperatures. Where do Eskimos live? What was their life like in the past, and what does it look like today? We will answer these and other questions below.

[Photo: Ansgar Walk, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

Information about Eskimos (Inuits) could fill many lists of fascinating facts about Greenland. The adaptive abilities of a people living in one of the most inhospitable places on our planet are truly impressive.

Where do Eskimos (Inuits) live?

Imagine a place where the fierce wind never subsides, blizzards are entirely normal, temperatures reach extremely low values, the ground is frozen, and dangerous predators lurk all around. That’s what the Far North looks like. In the Arctic, there are only two seasons. Summer lasts for only two months. During this time, the mercury column shows a maximum temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, but only near the southern boundary of this area.

In winter, the temperature drops to minus 60 degrees Celsius. The gusty wind carries ice particles that painfully…



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