Meanwhile, in Russia — See what has appeared on cans at the store.

Dark Energy Articles
2 min readApr 2, 2022

Life in Russia is becoming increasingly difficult. The shelves in stores are emptying, basic products are starting to run out, and prices are soaring. Supermarkets belonging to Russia’s largest chain have started to put anti-theft protection on… canned food.

[Photo by Plato Terentev, Pexels]

Since international sanctions were imposed on Russia, the economy in Putin’s country has faced a deep crisis. The ruble has plummeted in value and Russians are facing the highest inflation in 20 years. More Western companies are halting operations in Russia and withdrawing their products from local stores.

There was a consumer panic in the country, with huge queues forming in stores. Initially, Russians bought mainly valuable goods, including electronics. Now they are buying up foodstuffs almost wholesale.

Residents of Putin’s country have rushed to buy sugar, among other things, which is becoming rapidly more expensive. In some supermarkets it has already started to run out. Russians are stocking up for fear that soon the stores will be completely empty and the ruble will no longer have any value. A photo from Russia that circulated social media on Friday suggests that thefts are also taking place in the markets.

Journalist for the independent Russian portal Meduza Kevin Rothrock published photos from…



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