More strange beams of light over Hawaii. Who is responsible for this phenomenon?

Dark Energy Articles
3 min readFeb 11, 2023

In the night sky over Hawaii we could once again see unusual lights. At first, astronomers claimed that a NASA satellite was responsible for the laser beams. However, it turns out that the phenomenon has another source.

[Photo: Ralf Vetterle from Pixabay]

An unusual sacred vortex appeared over Hawaii in late January. The phenomenon was recorded from Hawaii’s highest volcano, Mauna Kea. The moment, during which the mysterious spiral is visible, was captured by the Subaru Telescope, which operates at Japan’s National Astronomical Observatory. However, it quickly became clear that the event was nothing “suspicious,” and that Elon Musk’s company SpaceX was responsible.

Beams of laser light over Hawaii

Just a few days later, over Mauna Kea, we could again see an unusual “light show.” Green laser beams were visible in the sky, which resembled the distinctive code from the cult film The Matrix. However, unlike the Wachowski sisters’ production, the lasers over Hawaii appeared from left to right, rather than from top…



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