Myth or Reality: Investigating the Existence of Yeti and Loch Ness Monster

Do the Yeti and the Loch Ness Monster actually exist? Or are these monsters merely products of human imagination?

Dark Energy Articles
7 min readJan 29, 2024
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There are no credible photographs, remains, or corpses; no one has ever captured any creature of such a kind. They are referred to as cryptids — hypothetical animals whose existence has not been confirmed by zoologists. Although the list of such creatures is long, the greatest excitement surrounds potential hominids, cryptids that resemble humans.

The Search for Legendary Creatures

According to some scientists, legends or stories passed down through generations about monsters may refer to real animals that lived centuries ago. However, more often than not, it’s simply the tricks of the human imagination — many “monsters” are likely known animals but seen unclearly (e.g., bears). Numerous accounts attributing various harmful actions to monsters are, as researchers of human psychology argue, the result of collective hysteria. Does this mean that stories about cryptids should be dismissed as mere fairy tales?



Dark Energy Articles

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