Naples Unveils Pre-Roman Burial Ground with Stone Rings

Close to 90 richly equipped graves from the Iron Age, dating back approximately 2800 years, have been unearthed near Naples. This was the period when Rome was founded. Two deceased individuals were laid to rest within stone circles.

Dark Energy Articles
3 min readMay 9, 2024
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The discovery of the large necropolis occurred during the construction of a power plant, intended to provide electricity for the modernized high-speed rail line connecting Naples to Bari in Italy. Major infrastructure projects like this provide excellent opportunities for archaeologists to explore traces of ancient human activity.

Richly Equipped Graves

The necropolis is located near the town of Amorosi, next to the Volturno River, approximately 50 km from Naples. In male graves, archaeologists found weapons, while female burials were accompanied by numerous ornaments: bronze bracelets, pendants, fibulae, objects made of amber, and polished



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