Rembrandt’s famous painting hides a secret. Modern technology has helped reveal it!

Dark Energy Articles
4 min readJan 24, 2023

“The Night Watch” is a painting by Rembrandt and one of the Dutch artist’s greatest works. Researchers have discovered that the painting may reveal a clue about the painter’s life.

“The Night Watch” — [Photo: Rembrandt, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Can art be a source of historical knowledge? Paintings, like other artistic media, can show reality or past events, but this is often a metaphorical or symbolic representation.

Even if we are dealing with realism, one must take into account the fact that the artist tells his story in a subjective way. However, science is hard to fool, and the answers to many questions often lie in the details. Sometimes in those invisible to the naked eye.

Recent studies of Rembrandt’s painting reveal a previously unknown detail

This was shown, among other things, in a 2021 study, when scientists discovered that it was possible to learn a lot about the lives of the Dutch artists of the “golden era” from the chemical composition of the white paint. The researchers analyzed dozens of works and learned that the artists probably traveled all over Europe in search of the perfect paints. This was influenced by events in the 17th century, including two 17th-century wars that disrupted the supply chain of lead ores. The element…



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