Scientists have discovered two new victims of the Vesuvius eruption. They died in a horrible way

Dark Energy Articles
4 min readMay 19, 2023

The latest excavations in Pompeii have uncovered the remains of two men who died during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Scientists say they died in the early stages of the eruption, when the building they were staying in collapsed as a result of the earthquake.

[Photo by Sebastian Harris | Photography from Pexels]

On August 24, 79 AD, Vesuvius erupted. Although the volcanic eruption led to the destruction of three Roman cities, Pompeii is today the subject of work by scientists and an attraction for tourists. Less than 2,000 years ago, several thousand people died there, and volcanic ash almost completely covered buildings and the bodies of dead people and animals. The ash acted as a time capsule that preserved much of the ruins and remains. This is why the ancient city is today an extremely valuable resource for historians and researchers of the Roman period.

The men died as a result of the earthquake

The latest excavations reveal new facts from the moment the volcano erupted. Scientists conducted research in the ruins of ancient buildings. In one of them they found the previously unknown remains of two men. Analysis showed that they were not killed by gases, lava, dust or pyroclastic avalanche. Scientists say the Romans lost their lives due to the…



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