The 10 Longest Bridges in the World — extremely fascinating structures!

Dark Energy Articles
6 min readMar 28, 2022

The world’s longest bridges are true marvels of engineering. Where can we find the longest bridges in the world? What is the length of these giants? I will answer these and other questions below.

Lake Pontchartrain Causeway — [Photo: Glenn from Houston, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

Gigantic structures are able to withstand the hardships of operation and successfully resist the destructive forces of nature. Currently, man is able to build a bridge tens of kilometers long, and we are convinced that in this matter we still have not said the last word.

Man created the first bridge by flipping a log between separated points A and B. Later he began to build more and more advanced structures. As early as the Middle Ages, some of the largest castles in the world were equipped with drawbridges. Eventually, we wanted to build taller and longer bridges. At what level is bridge engineering today?

Denmark’s longest bridge — the Great Belt — has a length of 18 km and is also the longest bridge in Europe. It should be noted, however, that compared to the rest of the world, these figures do not look too impressive. I invite you to read the ranking of famous bridges that can boast the status of the longest in the world.



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