The first hyperrealistic sculpture of Jesus. The model was the shroud of Turin!

Dark Energy Articles
3 min readOct 20, 2022

The Shroud of Turin is considered one of the most valuable relics of Christianity. The mysterious cloth allowed artists to recreate the body of Jesus after death. Is this what Christ looked like?

[Photo: Monozigote, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

According to Catholics, the Shroud of Turin is the cloth in which Jesus Christ was wrapped after his death. The material stored in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin fascinates not only the faithful, but also scientists. Its origin has been a mystery until now.

Hyper-realistic sculpture of Jesus in Salamanca

The shroud has been in the news again recently. The faithful visiting Salamanca Cathedral can admire the first hyperrealistic sculpture of Christ after death made based on scientific data gathered from studies of the shroud.

Christ in rigor mortis (post-mortem concentration) weighs about 75 kilograms. It was made of latex and silicone. This is the first such sculpture of Jesus in the world. The authors didn’t leave out any details — from the wounds of scourging and crucifixion, to the marks of circumcision. Most impressive are the realistic cuts on the head from the crown of thorns and the pierced left side between the fifth and sixth ribs. Real human hair was used in the preparation of the…



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