The world’s biggest fish: discover the 11 biggest fish species!

Dark Energy Articles
7 min readAug 5, 2022

The world’s largest fish can make you stunned by their size. What are the largest fish in the world? Below I will list 11 species, next to which a person seems like a dwarf.

Mola alexanrini — [Photo: Hasama Underwater Park, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

What are the largest fish in the world? Some species reach a length similar to that of a mid-range car, and it should be emphasized that we are not talking about the top at all, but the second half of the pile.

The sea and ocean depths create conditions in which giant animals thrive. This is confirmed by the fact that the largest species that has ever lived on Earth is the blue whalea 30-meter giant that is found in all oceans. In addition to large mammals, huge fish also swim in salt water. Not only in the salty, as an extremely interesting specimen was captured in the Mekong River (in northeastern Cambodia). What is the largest fish caught in the world? It is a giant stingray. The individual that was pulled out of the Mekong measured almost 4 meters, and its weight approached 300 kg. However, there were much larger species on below list.

Mola tecta

[Photo: Explorasub, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons]



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