The world’s deadliest spider can kill an adult human. Its jaws will even pierce a fingernail

Dark Energy Articles
5 min readMay 1, 2023

He has killed at least 26 people. It can be found in your own garden and at home. Where does the world’s deadliest spider live?

Brown Recluse Spider — [Photo: Insects Unlocked, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons]

Spiders are invertebrate animals that evoke mixed feelings. We are somewhat disgusted and afraid of them. Some of us even suffer from arachnophobia, or fear of spiders. On the other hand, we admire their abilities — this is where the character of Spider-Man, for example, came from. We are also grateful to them for eating the flies and mosquitoes that are a nuisance to us.

However, there are species that inspire justifiable fear. These are the world’s most venomous spiders. Below we describe a few of them.

The world’s deadliest spider

Several species compete for the title of the world’s deadliest spider. Many such creatures inhabit Australia. Authorities there take the threat seriously and are taking care to educate residents.

Sometimes this leads to strange events. In 2022, the Australian government banned one episode of the popular fairy tale “Peppa Pig.” The episode in question was “Mister Skinnylegs”. One of its characters is a friendly spider. At first Peppa is terribly afraid of him. In time, however, she befriends him and gives him the…



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