The world’s youngest country — 5 countries that emerged after 2000

Dark Energy Articles
4 min readMar 20, 2023

What is the world’s youngest country? After 2000, only five countries became independent. Although as many as three of them are located in Europe, we have to go to Africa in search of the youngest one.

South Sudan — [Photo: UK Ministry of Defence, OGL v1.0OGL v1.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

According to UN data, there are currently 195 countries on six continents in the world. The largest number, 54, are in Africa, 48 in Asia, 44 in Europe, 22 in North and Central America, 14 in Australia and Oceania and 13 in South America. Below is a summary of the five youngest countries in the globe that were established after 2000.

The youngest countries in the world

  • South Sudan (gained independence in 2011)
  • Kosovo (2008)
  • Serbia (2006)
  • Montenegro (2006)
  • East Timor (2002)

Only five countries around the world have gained independence in the 21st century. The youngest of these is South Sudan in Africa, which first appeared on the maps twelve years ago. In Europe, the former Yugoslav republics of Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro lead the way. In contrast, East Timor on the island of Timor is considered the youngest Asian country, where a decree of independence was declared in 2002.

The youngest country in the…



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