Titanic II: A New Era of Luxury Awaits

The Titanic will set sail on the open waters once again. The construction of a replica of the famous transatlantic liner has been announced — once again — by Australian billionaire Clive Palmer, who claims that the replica will be “significantly better than the original”.

Dark Energy Articles
4 min readMar 17, 2024
[Photo: Francis Godolphin Osbourne Stuart, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

It’s official. A replica of the most famous ship in the world, which sank on the night of April 14–15, 1912, during its maiden voyage from Southampton to Cherbourg to Queenstown to New York, will be built. The construction of Titanic II was announced — not for the first time — by Australian billionaire Clive Palmer. Plans to create a replica of the “unsinkable” transatlantic liner have been circulating for a decade.

The Second Titanic will be built

Clive Palmer announced the construction of the Titanic II back in 2012, exactly one hundred years after the British liner sank to the bottom of the Atlantic. However, the matter quieted down, and after six years, it resurfaced in headlines and internet portals. The Antipodean entrepreneur assured at that time that the ship would be completed by April 10, 2022, the anniversary of the day when RMS Titanic set sail for…



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