UFO report in US Congress. The Pentagon showed secret photos and footage. What do they show?

Dark Energy Articles
4 min readMay 20, 2022

The United States Congress held its first public hearing on UFOs in 50 years. Pentagon officials say there have been up to 400 cases of Unidentified Flying Objects.

[Photo: Stefan Keller from Pixabay]

The subject of UFOs has stirred up great excitement for many years, especially among fans of conspiracy theories. This is not surprising, as the subject has been consistently classified by the US Secret Service since the 1960s.

Last year, a report was published indicating that a total of 144 Unidentified Flying Objects had been recorded since 2004. However, the document was laconic and lacked specifics.

The Pentagon held its first public hearing on UFOs in 50 years

In late 2021, it was also announced that a special office on UFOs would be created at the Pentagon. The research group is tasked with checking any suspicious flying objects that violate U.S. airspace.

However, the idea of a new department was met with criticism from some in the public. Some said it was another attempt to hide the truth about Unidentified Flying Objects. Now it seems that the Pentagon has broken its silence.



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