Versailles: The Opulent Icon with a Hidden Sanitary Past

Dark Energy Articles
5 min readDec 3, 2023

The Palace of Versailles is one of the undisputed symbols of France, alongside the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Cathedral. It’s no wonder that the former residence of Louis XIV attracts millions of tourists from around the world every year.

[Photo by Arti Kh from Pexels]

The French owe Versailles to Louis XIV, who began the expansion of his father Louis XIII’s hunting lodge in 1663. Twenty years later, the palace with 2,000 windows, 700 rooms, and 67 staircases was ready for occupancy (construction lasted). French kings resided in Versailles until 1789 when the French Revolution erupted.

The enraged populace guillotined Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, and Versailles became a target for looting. Napoleon saved the palace from ruin. In 1833, King Louis-Philippe transformed it into the Museum of the History of France.

History of Versailles

Tourists visit the royal palace to admire and photograph the building, born out of the envy that overcame Louis XIV after he saw the estate of the then Minister of Finance in Vaux-le-Vicomte. Nicolas Fouquet, thanks to the patronage of Anne of Austria and Cardinal Mazarin, became the Superintendent of Finance in 1653. He quickly became one of the most influential figures at the royal court. He decided to use his amassed fortune to build a residence that…



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