Darkhan Omirbek
2 min readMar 27, 2019

Photos of Visual Reporting Class at Columbia Journalism School

In August 2018, when we just started our 10-month program at Columbia University, Graduate School of Journalism, we had a week of Visual Reporting class where we learned basics of photographing with Brian Palmer, a visual journalist whose photos appeared in New York Times and other newspapers.

These are the photos I took the first day we had our class.

A motion photo. Cyclist gets blurred while other objects are still.
A motion photo. My classmate Hui Tong is acting. I should not have cut his hand, that was a mistake.
A close-up photo. Acting is Jennifer Doherty, my classmate. The verdict is over exposure.
A portrait of my classmate Brianna Milord.

On 8 August 2018, I went to Washington Square to take portraits. It was a hot day and I did not enjoy the weather. But the park was rife with interesting people and events.

This man has a deep knowledge of sparrows. “I can tell whether a sparrow female or male only just looking at them.”
The Sparrow Man.
Washington Square is famous for shows. If it is a warm sunny day, you will never get bored here. These two men were successful at attracting people with their display.
This beautiful lady was invited to be a part of the show. Her shining face with the old woman’s looking at her makes this photo special, at least to me.
Darkhan Omirbek

Graduated from Columbia Journalism School; in pursuit of true journalism