Jeanette Winters-Hagar
2 min readJan 6, 2017


They say there is no such thing as original thought and this is largely true. Keto is not significantly different from Atkins, the pre South Beach guru of high protein, low (read NO) carb, often high fat diet. With Atkins, you also tested your ketones and both diets work on the basic principle of how one’s body burns fats v. carbs and how ketosis functions. Also, like Atkins, it is neither healthy nor particularly sustainable to maintain it long term. The body is one of the most efficient organization there is. It is fundamentally designed to store fuel. A strict keto diet doesn’t allow that, thus forcing the body to adapt. Metabolism drops to conserve what is already stored and the body learns how to store the sterols in the fats as sugars. That is a lesson the body keeps. When a person inevitably leaves the keto diet, the body continues to store both sterols in fats as well as the carbs; increasing weight gains.

The overall message? There is only one truly healthy diet… a balanced one. Fads, and keto is a fad just as Atkins, South Beach, Paleo, and all the others are fads, are never more than temporary fixes that people cling to hoping for that magic bullet. The true magic bullet is caring for your body; something that is often more difficult than any diet. A careful balance of QUALITY proteins, carbs, and fats. Exercise. Letting your body find its natural rhythms and balances because in some cases, no matter what your motivations (health or vanity) the body you have will never be the body you want. Learn to love and work with the body you have. Tormenting it with the newest fad is not love.



Jeanette Winters-Hagar

“A being darkly wise and rudely great: with too much knowledge for the skeptic side, with too much weakness for the stoic’s pride… “ Alexander Pope