DarkPay AMA n°1

5 min readJan 24, 2019


Here’s DarkPay 1st AMA !

First question !
Can you discuss any of the unique characteristics/capabilities that are planned or under development for the project ?

DarkPay is designed as a community driven and iteratively built project so basically everything is possible. The first and most important characteristic of DarkPay is its governance system. Phase 2 transition was just a start, after that, anyone will be able to propose anything, from technology to partnership to economics related proposal every single month. Secondly, Our first product, DarkPayMarket, will be censorship free to the extent of the community’s tolerance as it will be 100% self moderated.

How many nodes are owned by the team ? If there are too many, what are you doing with the rewards ? Can we get a transparent report ?

The team as a whole owns 20 to 25 nodes varying according to necessary expenses. Those expenses are split between products development budget, bounties and marketing.

Are you partnering with any outside dev teams or companies to bring greater use and/or value to the project ?

This is planned for 2019, we’re negotiating with a company that will grant DKPC’s holders access to everyday life fungibility, so the community can go shopping with their favorite asset ;) I will personally travel to Asia around April to meet techs and Asian marketing specialists in order to expand our workforce as well as our reach. We are waiting for community’s proposals and suggestions on those matters as well, hence the monthly voting sessions :)

What is the size of your dev team? Are you/they part or full time?

Right now there are 3 full time devs 3 part-time and 6 non technical profiles

How will the marketplace function ? What type/categories of items will be available ? Will there be escrow built in to prevent scams ? Will merchants be vetted ?

You can have a look at our DarkPaper to know more ! https://darkpaycoin.io/DarkPaperV1.pdf

If you want more specific details about the structure of the marketplace I suggest you take a look at https://openbazaar.org/ so you get a better grasp of the thing as a whole. Main difference is the UI of our marketplace will be built in wallets, and that the level of censorship will be defined by the community.

Do you guys/gals work together in an office or you all remote?

All remote. Working remotely is the future.

What is all the dev’s team favourite poison?

We’ll pass on this one…:p

What is the core team previous experience ? Where are they from ?

Government related blockchain applications for the techs, entrepreneurship, marketing and corporate finance for the non techs. Techs are spread across Europe, non tech across the world.

Where do you see DarkPayCoin in the next 5 years ?

We see DarkPayCoin as the base currency of a censorship free and decentralized global ecosystem. Simple as that.

What makes you different from all the other privacy coins ?

Globally it’s our iterative approach that makes us different from any project, collectively building and improving the project in a transversal manner.

What would you consider a successful 2019, what goals do you hope to reach by then and beyond then. Keep up the solid work, lads.

First thanks for the support ! A successful 2019 would be to increase our community’s reach to a more global scale as well as improving our tech.

What is DarkPay about?

DarkPay is about freedom.

What can people expect of DarkPay?

Constant and transversal improvements. We are not afraid of change.

What makes DKPC different from other cryptocurrencies in general ?

Our iterative and community driven philosophy.

Whats the difference with other Zerocoin protocol coins, like COLX for instance ?

Zerocoin is a generic privacy protocol that is applied on various projects, we chose this one as it is the most reliable right now in our point of view.

Can you tell us more of the roadmap/phasing ?


What is the planning for the voting ?

Every month we’ll have a budget related voting session. This specific event occurs during superblocks.

What is the idea of DarkPayMarket ?

Censorship free exchange of goods and services on a global scale.

People see some sort of Silk Road 2.0. How does the DarkPay team see this ? Dont you think you will raise a lot of government attention ?

DarkPayMarket is an open source P2P piece of software, hence people engaging their own responsibility when using it. Nobody has any possibility of control over the network.

What are DarkPay’s team goals for 1/3/5 years ?

Constant improvement on all fronts.

People check a project on utility, whitepaper, supply, roadmap, ect and the team. If I understood the team wants to stay anonymous. Is that true and if so, why ?

Two reasons : Some of the team members’ lives don’t fit with such a project as you can imagine…Moreover, persona in a decentralized network as shown to be a great point of failure like Ethereum and Vitalik Buterin. Nevertheless, in order to fullfil our ambitions of being one of the few legally backed DAO in the world a part of the will have to go unmasked :)

Any famous last words?

Privacy is a right, not a privilege.

The more brains, the more success.

I would like to know how you intend to do marketing ? Is there a strategic plan and how

We are true believers of organic and product driven growth. The stronger the foundation, the more likely to succeed on the long term. And if you are here with us it might be because our strategy kind of works don’t you think ? ;)

Based on the team’s anonymous identity, do you think it will in any affect the bringing in more investors ?

In our humble opinion, we believe that a name has no value. People exit scam all the time, with fake names or even with their real names. Our commitment talks for itself.

What is the ETA on Mobile Wallet and Marketplace ?

End of Q1 2019

@SidV the Block Reward Diagram starts at block 20001. So if I’m not mistaken that means 500,000.

DKPC existed prior to block 20001?

We premined 21k coins and block reward was something like 4 before block 20001… MN collateral was 1000 until block 26666

Did the existing 1k collateral MNs have to add an additional 9k or were they grandfathered in as a reward for being early adopters ?

The team compensated on their personal holdings those that were not able to reach the new collateral which by the way was voted by masternode holders ;)


