Phase 2 : What’s next for DarkPay

1 min readDec 18, 2018


Phase 1 will come to an end in about 24 hours, and successfully validated our initial hypotheses.

  • Network is now spread over more than 1500 nodes, allowing lightning fast transactions as well as optimal safety and decentralization.
  • Community is stronger than ever, contributing, and expanding day after day.

Phase 2 is not just a fancy term, it is meant to get DarkPay to the next level of maturity.

Indeed, while progressively rolling out first products such as DarkPayMarket and mobile wallets, implementing monthly DAO voting sessions, and now that the community has voted for Ancient Knowledge’s proposal for phase 2 underlying economics, everything is set up for a strong and steady development.

We’ll soon share the updated and detailed roadmap for 2019, which will revolve around four main themes :

  • Liquidity
  • DAO legal backing
  • Global expansion
  • Use case diversification

Stay tuned ;)

“It’s just the beginning.”



