3 min readJan 14, 2023
IMAGE CREDIT; https://www.digitalteacher.in/assets/img/otherproducts/lifeskills.jpg


Every living human need some sort of skills to enable them survive in this every challenging life. In this article, I will specifically target those privileged enough to be at a mentorship role and therefore expected top guide others who are considered as mentees.

Life skills is an important asset in our everyday life. Specifically, organization management and leadership need to impact their employees with life skills which have the following benefits

1. Enables new ways of thinking and problem solving- life skills impact an individual to face life challenges in a positive can to attitude.

2. Enables to behave in responsible manner- They can know what, when, and what to do something on their own.

3. It helps individuals to succeed and experience fulfilled life in the society- life skills is important in

4. Reduces or eliminate immoral living- Life skills enable individuals to keep of from life vices such as drug abuse and immoral living.

ways in which you may guide an employee to build up his/her self-esteem

1. goal setting- I would set goals together with him that are achievable

  1. Sense of belonging-make him or her feel like part of the team
  2. Sense of achievement- appreciate small achievements no matter how small they are
  3. Provide timely feedback- this will enable him or her to boost morale and improve where improvement is needed
  4. Leverage existing accomplishments- maximize on appreciating a job well done
  5. Empower employees to complete their best work.
  6. Assign team members to be a mentor.
  7. Show appreciation for a job well done.

ways in which a stressed employee may affect the performance of an organization

1. Productivity and efficiency- a stressed employee’s performance is reduced and efficiency is

2. Morale and motivation- la stressed employee will have a low morale and motivation which will then reduce productivity

3. Failure to meet set objectives and targets- stressed employee productivity would be reduced resulting to not obtaining set targets

4. poor company image- poor performance by a stressed employee will be emanate in poor customer service hence poor image of the company

5. High employee turnover- stressed will be dissatisfied with the organization and hence resign or look for a job elsewhere.

As a leader, you will need to make short term goals from time to time. These are the steps that you will need in coming up with short term goals for your employees

1.reas or goals that the organization wishes to achieve- List all goals that the organization wishes to achieve

2. Assess and analyze those goals — to determine short-term goals from long-term goals

4. Identify methods and techniques that will be used to achieve the set goals- use SWOT analysis to come up with the best method

3. Identify resources required to achieve the intended goals or objectives- for example, time, employees, system, and process.

4. Allocate the necessary resources to employees- to enable them to achieve the goals and objectives to be achieved

5. Use SMART goals to ensure the objectives are efficiently achieved- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based.


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