Love is limitless. Fear is limited.

Darla Delayne
3 min readFeb 17, 2021


What if you KNEW that there was ALWAYS plenty and you didn’t worry much at all??

I mean plenty of EVERYTHING. Wow, we’d have so much more time, right?! How much of our lives are spent in worry? What could we actually accomplish, how much more of yourself would you be without worry!


If you’re focused on love and appreciation, you remember you do HAVE, you’re limitless and you’re open to receive, so it just flows.

Focused on fear, you forget that so you perceive that you don’t and you need to go GET and there’s a limit.⠀

This works in every area of our lives and our business. ⠀

If you give or do something out of love knowing that there’s plenty, then who you give or do that to receives it. And you feel great doing it and since you know there’s plenty you easily have more so it has expanded. ⠀

If you give out of fear, you see there’s not enough in yourself or someone else, then you have sacrificed it and they have to take it and it ends there. No one feels good and there’s a feeling of loss.

Like when I have a coaching session, yes, I got paid and they get a service and it could end there. That’s what would happen if I held the session worried that I wouldn’t have another client, focused on fear, I’d be doing it to GET another session. ⠀

I wouldn’t be connected and they’d just get what they paid for and there would be no expansion for either of us. ⠀

But when I’m coaching I’m so connected and thrilled to be working with them that my focus is love and appreciation so I’m ALSO receiving again during the session. I get great ideas, excitement, satisfaction, fulfillment and more. ⠀

So now I’ve expanded past what I gave. My client gets WAY more than they expected because the giving was so super charged and inspired. They’ll often say they got something more that they didn’t know they wanted. ⠀⠀

The expansion could go on from there. They could tell a friend, I could write an inspired post that someone else sees, an idea for a collaboration could happen and it goes on and on just because my focus was on my knowing and appreciation I have plenty. ⠀

This is how we receive and give from an expansion of love. This is how we transcend the time/space, 3D world of plan + predict = known outcomes.

This is how we enter the quantum world, the universe, the all that is eternity of source where there are infinite possibilities and time leaps. Things happen way faster and super easier than it ever could have and we’re able to watch our dreams and visions for our life and business materialize.

Do you want to be able to live and work this way?

Free from worry and growing your business with ease and fulfillment?⠀

Then focus on appreciation, know there is plenty and step out of the duality and judgement of fear and into the truth of love. That’s the big secret.



Darla Delayne

I love helping powerhouse women skyrocket consistent growth without working harder. I’m obsessed with timehacks, energy, mindset and increasing happiness daily!