Why does what we fear seem more real than what we want?

Darla Delayne
3 min readOct 28, 2020

I was writing in my journal the other day. Well to be honest, it was because I was in a full blown fear spiral and I didn’t even know why so I just began to investigate. (Tip #1- don’t let that spiral go on for more than about 15 seconds or your brain will be all too glad to help you go deeper into the abyss.)

As I was writing it became clear to me that I was singularly focused on what I perceived to be the “truth” even though I knew it obviously wasn’t. I asked myself,

“why a fear focused perception seems so real and so true when peace is knowing only love is real.”

It just didn’t make sense.

I remembered that I had read that being focused on fear is like believing a fairy tale, some are scary and some are pleasant. A child believes them true and so for a while they are true to them.

Then reality dawns on the child and all of a sudden they know the fairy tale isn’t true.

When we perceive fear we are living in a fairy tale and we can be feeling anywhere from boredom to hopelessness because of the meanings we put on it.

These fear perceptions or thoughts, lead us to fear actions and that includes competition, winners and losers, hierarchies, levels, judgments of good and bad, too much and too little, lack and not enough just to name a few.

Being able to recognize that we’re inside a fairy tale or virtual reality can be super helpful in slowing down that momentum.

Remembering the truth helped me to slow it down so I could shift my thinking and get myself back on track towards what I want, not what I fear.

This fear causes us to resist allowing in what we want. It’s like turning our back on it, or holding the door shut when it’s trying to get in.

This process is exactly what I do with my clients when they start to notice what’s not happening instead of paying attention to what is here and that eager anticipation of what’s to come.

My job is to help them remove and release this resistance and wake up from the fairy tale so they can allow themselves to “behold” their vision. And it ROCKS!!!

Here’s exactly what we do.

  • I guide them through the visionary creation process to chisel away to get to exactly what they really want right now.
  • Then I help them lock in the knowing that they’ve created it, so it is. Like a sculptor that sees the art before she can begin the actual work.

She’s not sure how it will happen but knows that it will.

  • Next, the ongoing work is to take these intentions and create an action plan from ideas that flow through inspiration and intuition and these become the goals to accomplish.
  • Lastly, we use the brain and it’s structures, systems and knowledge base as tools to carve out the artwork. We do this through setting up the inspired actions into a foundation that supports them getting done with the greatest efficiency and productivity.
  • Along the way if she gets stuck, we look for and identify what’s in the way and remove that resistance so she can begin to receive what it is she knows she wants.

The resistance IS the fearful perceptions, like the fairy tale, and when the focus is back on the reality, then the knowledge that the fairy tale isn’t really true allows it to release. This causes the path of resistance to lessen and the path of allowing to expand.

Now the creation, the vision, the art, the intention, begins to appear and this is how I guide my clients to create the businesses and the lives they REALLY want.



Darla Delayne

I love helping powerhouse women skyrocket consistent growth without working harder. I’m obsessed with timehacks, energy, mindset and increasing happiness daily!