Crypto Mayor
3 min readJan 19, 2024



InQubeta the world’s first crypto crowdfunding platform that enables fractional investment in AI start-ups using $QUBE tokens. QUBE is a deflationary ERC20 token created by Inqubeta, the platform that aims to revolutionize the way AI start-ups raise funds and engage with their community. With each investment opportunity minted into an NFT and fractionalised, you’ll be able to invest in a way that suits your budget, all while enjoying the benefits of being an early backer.

Inqubeta’s NFT marketplace allows AI start-ups to raise funds and offer reward and equity-based NFTs, while $QUBE token holders can easily invest in the projects they believe in, creating a unique ecosystem that benefits both parties.

$QUBE tokens are a unique investment opportunity for the community of supporters passionate about the growth and success of AI technology start-ups. The token is deflationary, with a 2% tax on all buy and sells going to a burn wallet, which helps increase the token’s value over time. Additionally, $QUBE has a 5% sell tax that goes to a dedicated reward pool, allowing investors to earn rewards by staking their tokens.

At Inqubeta, we think that the convergence of AI technology and cryptocurrency provides a unique potential for development and innovation. However, we acknowledge that traditional investment strategies can be wasteful and unavailable to many people. That is why we developed the QUBE token and Inqubeta’s NFT marketplace: to provide a streamlined and efficient investment process that benefits both investors and start-ups. Inqubeta is utilizing the power of blockchain and smart contracts to create a more transparent, safe, and democratic investment environment that supports the growth and success of AI technology start-ups.


InQubeta’s $QUBE token is meant to function as a governance token, allowing its holders to actively engage in the platform’s decision-making processes. As a governance token, $QUBE holders will be able to propose, discuss, and vote on different elements of the platform’s development, operations, and future direction.

A) Token holders propose ideas: $QUBE token holders can submit proposals for improvements, new features, or any other changes they believe will benefit the InQubeta ecosystem. These proposals can cover a wide range of topics, including updates to the NFT marketplace, marketing strategies, or community initiatives.

B) Community discussion: Once a proposal has been submitted, the InQubeta community engages in discussions to evaluate the merits of the idea, offer feedback, and suggest modifications. This open dialogue ensures that diverse perspectives are taken into account, fostering an inclusive and collaborative decision-making process.

C) Voting on proposals: After a thorough discussion, $QUBE token holders vote on the proposed ideas. The weight of each holder’s vote is determined by the amount of $QUBE tokens they hold, ensuring that those with a larger stake in the platform have a greater influence on its direction.

D) Implementation of approved proposals: If a proposal receives enough support from the community, the InQubeta team will work towards implementing the approved changes, ensuring that the platform continues to evolve and adapt based on the community’s input.

By transforming the $QUBE token into a governance token, InQubeta is creating a more democratic and community-driven ecosystem. This new function encourages active participation from token holders, allowing them to shape the platform’s future and contribute to the growth and success of AI technology start-ups

