3 Purpose of a Headline in Writing

Ehochi Darlington
4 min readAug 29, 2021


A headline is the most important thing in writing and it tells more about what you're about to write. For everything you have read about headlines as part of content marketing strategies, you are probably aware that they can be a difference between the success and failure of your content marketing strategy. You need to recognize the power that your headline holds and make sure that it is everything that it should be for your business.

Getting attention to the purpose of a headline in an advertisement. This is the headline. The headline for the sole purpose is to get prospects to continue reading advertisements or sales letters. It must make the reader’s attention; it is to pull them to the advertisements. It does not play a role in how good the product or service is or how good the advertising copy is, if the headline is not any good, the advertisement or sales letter will not be read.

For example, “Give Your kids a codebase” is an advertisement for training; “Give your body a cold freeze” is by FD air conditioners’ advertisement.

Another effective attention-getting gambit is to give the reader news. Headlines that give news often use words such as new, discover, introducing, announcing, now, it’s here, at last, and just arrived.

By the time you read this sentence, you’ve probably already looked at the headline on this column. I hope it was interesting and informative enough to encourage you to read on.

That’s why headlines are so important. If they’re written correctly, they invite the reader to move on to the story itself. If they’re dull or vague, they may not.

Besides that the headline of selecting the audience at least has two types of audiences there are real and intended. Who is the audience any real or perceived time information; the target audience of the target group is the idea of the message sender.

For the article, readers can truly become their own teacher, friend, writing web content, or a fiction story. The target audience of an article may be young, middle-aged, or old, male or female. Under normal circumstances, the teacher is not the target audience, unless your goal is to persuade or inform something.

A headline capture the attention of a target audience
There are many different ways in which you can capture the attention of your target audience. Your headline should be compelling and it should be relevant to what they are doing and what they are experiencing. At the same time, it should be entertaining and meaningful. You may be asking yourself at this point how you can accomplish all of that with such a severe limitation of the number of words that you can put into your headline.

Well, practice is definitely the answer to that one. The more you practice writing effective headlines, the better you will get at writing them. However, on the other hand, you shouldn’t think that writing an effective, powerful headline is a piece of cake. It may take quite a bit of effort before you actually master writing headlines. Well, definitely don’t give up easily. You must understand that if you keep at it, you will improve and you will eventually sooner rather than later accomplish your goals and achieve the results that you are hoping for.

A headline in action
Your headline is important for a variety of reasons. First of all, if you don’t get the headline right, your target audience members will not go any further than reading your headline. You have three seconds to engage your readers and, let’s be honest, three seconds is not a heck of a lot of time. If you are to succeed at engaging them, the only way that you can do that is with your headline.

If you are questioning why the headline is so important, it’s because a headline is the first thing that takes an action in your target audience to see whenever they start reading what you have shared. Second of all, if your headline is doing a great job by engaging your readers to continue reading, that means it is capturing the essence of the content that you have posted. In three seconds, you need to give the reader enough of an understanding of what you are expressing in your content to keep them engaged and, at the same time, to give them a clear understanding that you have the ability to solve whatever problem they are experiencing at the time.

Repeated Success Headline
The one thing that you don’t want to happen is that you write one successful headline and then that is the end of it. You need to write consistently powerful, attention-grabbing, compelling headlines that hit the mark each and every time with your target audience.

If you are struggling with the angle that you feel you need for your headline (and the content that is married to that headline), you can become inspired by all sorts of people, places, and things. You may be surprised at how easy it is to get ideas from other people. You just need to make sure that you are actually listening to what they have to say. They will be more than happy (in most cases) to tell you what interests them. That works for a few reasons. One of them is the fact that you will fortify your relationship with the other person if they understand that their needs are important to you. Anyway, it isn’t as though you are faking that one. You sincerely do care about satisfying their needs. If you can do that, your needs, in turn, will be satisfied as well.



Ehochi Darlington

I am Ehochi Darlington, a professional Digital Marketer, and Copy-Writing Expert for over 5 years now. I have worked with some companies and trained Students