Shared Services Canada — Too Much With Too Little

Darrell O’Donnell, P.Eng.
2 min readMar 4, 2016


Shared Services Canada is under the microscope yet again. CBC just published a huge mistake with a data centre consolidation at Shared Services Canada. The concept of consolidating data centres it at risk after discovery that there is a need to keep TOP SECRET information under control.

Shared Services Canada — A Concept That Should Work

Shared Services is under the gun after a lot of mistakes. It’s a shame because the concept of Shared Services should work. The people there are pretty damned good, but they’ve suffered from blurry Scope & Vision — basically a leadership and management failure.

But this mistake falls into the UNFUK “WOW” bucket…

TOP SECRET — Requirement Was Missed?

Shared Services Canada Surprise

“unexpected demand” — How did this one slip through the cracks???? There is no way that people weren’t aware and this wasn’t documented. However, given the pressures and approaches being used it may have been just another requirement — with the same priority as all the others. That’s just a guess, but hey — this is broken.

This needs a serious UNFUK-ing…

But it’s not insurmountable. A lot of very hard and very focused work is needed — along with a serious LEADERSHIP approach change…

That what the video above starts to cover. Hopefully some very senior folks at Shared Services will stand up and take a leadership role — take a stand, make the decisions, and take the risks required to make this work. The Shared Services Canada concept should work — but it needs the proper support and leadership.

In the video below I did a short analysis for some clients (not government clients) a few weeks ago. The message applies now more than ever.


Make today awesome.



Originally published at UNFUK.



Darrell O’Donnell, P.Eng.

I am an entrepreneur and advisor focused on Blockchain and Self Sovereign Identity/Decentralized Identity.