“Paltrocast” Interviews With Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame & Songwriters Hall Of Fame Inductees

Initially launched as an audio-based podcast in 2018 alongside Canada’s PureGrainAudio — now V13 — the Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz also began airing as a television series in 2020. Now airing regularly via 150+ TV stations and OTT carriers, the Paltrocast has featured numerous inductees to the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame and Songwriters Hall Of Fame amongst its guests.

Below is a partial collection of links to articles and videos showing those Hall Of Fame inductees, as interviewed for the Paltrocast and related publications.



Foo Fighters’ Nate Mendel

Foo Fighters’ Chris Shiflett

Nine Inch Nails’ Ilan Rubin

The Go-Go’s Jane Wiedlin — 2002 and 2017

Todd Rundgren — 2000, 2017, 2019 and 2021

Judas Priest’s Ian Hill — 2002 and 2022



Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz

The “Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz” airs regularly on 150+ television stations and broadcasts (and counting), in addition to podcast providers.